Warning! Participating in GovGen doesn’t require sharing your private key. No GovGen related tool or platform should ask you to provide mnemonic seed phrase. If any GovGen related action requires you to share your private key or mnemonic seed phrase, it may be an attempt to steal your account credentials.

Shaping the Future of AtomOne

Governance-Only Chain

GovGen is a governance-only chain separate from the proposed AtomOne hub chain. GovGen aims to gauge sentiment over what AtomOne should be from “NO” and “NO_WITH_VETO” voters on Cosmos Hub proposal 848.

> Learn more about GovGen

GOVGEN Token: Through the GOVGEN governance token, this community can come together, submit proposals, discuss, debate, and help shape the potential outcome of AtomOne in a fully decentralized community-driven initiative.

> Current proposals discussions

GovGen So Far

Vote on Proposals
on GovGen dApp
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Vote using GovGen CLI (see instructions within the GovGen dApp) or your favorite Cosmos wallet.


Explore activity on GovGen in numbers—from active accounts and validators to new and existing proposals. Learn more on Mintscan

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IMPORTANT: Participating in GovGen requires sharing only your public keys, NOT your private keys. In connection with GovGen, you should never be asked to share your private key or any seed or recovery phrase. This means that you should never be contacted by email, phone call, or other form of messaging, nor receive instructions or a request to share your private key or seed or recovery phrase. Any request for your private key or seed or recovery phrase should alert you immediately to potential fraud. Beware of bad actors who seek to obtain access to your wallet or digital identity. Keeping your private key and seed or recovery phrases secure is critically important, and failure to do so could result in theft of your digital identity and loss of whatever you may own, including digital assets, that are associated with your digital identity. Certain statements included on this website (or in any linked materials) are forward-looking statements. Please visit the Terms of Service page for further details about eligibility and your usage of the GovGen website.

DISCLAIMER: Nothing on this website is, and nothing on this website is intended to be, an offer of tokens or securities.